Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Failed Recital and a Strange Vessel

We are at S- Hall but I don't know that we are doing Taekwon-do. Or maybe we have finished a demonstration just now. I think it is for S- day. We are seated on the floor and there are various audience members grouped around the outside. My mother is supposed to do a reading, she is set up with a microphone. I don't remember exactly what it is, a poem or a list or instructions or guidelines or something. I think she's going to do it in Spanish for some reason. Anyway, she stands there but then she can't do it and she goes into the bathroom to recover herself. We sit there for a moment thinking she will come back, but she doesn't. My sister starts a recording with the English version and I go into the bathroom after her to see if she is okay. She is all upset and nervous. I try to comfort her and tell her that it will be okay. She can do it along with the tape even, and say the Spanish part after the English part. After much discussion she calms down and decides this will be okay and that is what she will do. When we go out, though, the tape is almost over and the audience has left. My sister is still sitting there. It's too late to do the reading.

Later, I am driving home (to my parents house) between S- hall and the Triangle, where the road curves and there are large hedges in front of one persons house. There is a large, rounded machine like a small space ship that is hovering over the swampy area to one side of the road. It is watching us. We stop and get out. We don't think it's an alien craft although it looks like one, we decide it's some sort of government monitoring thing, possibly with the help of alien technology or an alien pilot. I am with several other people, possibly my sister and cousin, I'm not sure. I am going on about Odd Thomas (as a real life person) and all the amazing things he can do, etc., except in the dream this also includes traveling to other dimensions. In fact I think he is in our area as a result of that ability. We look through a window into the ship and discover there are people aboard (we thought it was remote operated). They don't seem to be aware of us though and are facing away at a console.

Some how we get onto the ship, possibly with his help, and wander around looking at stuff. It's a fairly neat setup. I think he helps us hijack it and fly it off.

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