Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Moving Ultrasound Date

Just remembered another dream I had last night!

I was trying to schedule an ultrasound to tell if the baby will be a boy or a girl. I went to the doctor's office and the doctor said, oh, you can have it the day after your July appt. Then they took me into another room and looked on the computer to see when the ultrasound could be scheduled. But they were all booked up through July and well into August, so I couldn't have it for several weeks after! I was suspicious becuase they were using their computer to check the ultrasound schedules, and before, I'd had to schedule it with a separate office... so did they really know what they were talking about? Then I said why can't I have it with my July appt? The doctor said this would be too early to tell and I would have to wait until the next available opening in August, which meant that my husband would not be able to come after all.

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