Creepy Head Lice
Soo.... I haven't posted any dreams for a while! I've been having them but since I haven't been posting I've forgotten most of them. It all started with this one which was just so gross I didn't post it but now I have to so I can start remembering and posting again :P
Approximately 05/11 Saturday night/Sunday morning?
I am visiting my maternal grandparent's house, I think, my aunts and other relatives on my mother's side might be there as well. I'm setting up my stuff in the room I'm going to stay in when I scratch my head and this little white wormy thing comes out of my hair in my hand. It's lice in the dream, but it does not actually look like real head lice, more like little grub like white bugs about 1/4 inch long. I keep scratching and find more, I'm totally disgusted. I end up later in the dream using some kind of shampoo to kill them in the shower, and I don't tell anybody about it. Then later we are staying somewhere again, I have determined that I picked up the lice at the relatives' house. My sister stayed there too and I finally decide I should tell her in case she might have them too. She is putting on a black wig which she got from their house. I am embarrassed about it but I tell her that I had picked some up there and she should probably check too. She says oh, don't worry I don't have any, but thanks for letting me know about it, she'll keep an eye out. Then I bend over and look at the wig she is wearing, and in the middle of the crown of the wig it is so thick with the lice it's just white, a huge pile of them. It's totally disgusting and I wake up itching and scratching, feeling grossed out (but oh so relieved that it was a dream).
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